
Despite my reservations, and many failed attempts at resisting “Liam’s” charms, it was I believe, his consistancy that finally won me over.

He did his homework well, establishing very soon into our “relationship” I was lonely and that my husband and I were no longer close … He made a point of contacting me at least twice a day, sometimes more, and of course it made me feel very special. It was such attention to detail, that made me overlook, instances which only now, I recognise clearly as red flags.

It never occured to me to question just why he encouraged me to talk so … At the time I believe, I felt quite privileged. Giving me carte blanche to speak of things frowned on by many ( my nearest and dearest included ) was all so very liberating, having held it inside for so long. I was so very grateful.

But this man, who’s own childhood had been blighted by brutality and abuse was nothing other than a wolf in sheeps clothing … Relying heavily on his seemingly whiter than white reputation ( as an author campaigner and survivor of child abuse ) he became a Svengali of sorts, manipulating and brainwashing vulnerable women into trusting him. When the trust was obtained he was to progress to sending explicit images of himself ( which were cringeworthy to say the least ) and demanding the same in return.

Talking as we did, so frequently, I never for a moment, had reason to think there were other women as gullible as myself, who were also being lied to and deceived for no reason other than for him to obtain players for his sick and twisted fantasies. I feel I was coerced, against my will, to not only say, but also feel, things I knew deep down were wrong … but such was the power of Liam’s persuasion …

My husband, who unbeknown to me had been reading the emails between myself and Liam ( at the time I had no knowledge of passwords and the like ), told me he felt Liam was decidedly shifty and probably a deviant looking for online sex … I was actually outraged on Liam’s behalf and wasted no time in emailing him to tell him of the conversation. Strangely he was not in the least bit indignant but promptly demanded I add passwords for my email and social media accounts. He should have known I would no idea just how to … After much impatience and prompting the desired result was achieved, but not without some disparaging remarks about my lack of knowledge … He then talked me through deleting ” recent history”. I really had no idea what I was doing but it seemed to keep the peace …

It goes without saying of course, that had I, or indeed any, of the women affected by Liam, knew, at the time the extent of his lies and deception we would have felt deeply hurt and betrayed. But that, I feel, would be nothing compared to the distress and embarrassment he caused his wife, not only by exposing his scrawny unappealing body to numerous women, but for blaming her for driving him to it …

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